‘A Rich Arab, With a Cash Flow Problem’

There are people I know who decided that supporting Oldham Athletic was detrimental to their health, and abandoning the club was the only treatment.

It had nothing to do with the catering or sitting in a draughty stadium for two hours or even, being perpetually miserable at the lack of success.

It was and sadly still is, the practice of being lulled into a state of anticipation of success and then being crushed by news that off the field, all is not well.

Apparently, the players haven’t been paid and are now threatening to go on strike unless that changes. This has triggered a number of less than helpful comments about certain players who will probably fail at that also.

I am only able to rely on Twitter and an article in the Daily Mail for my information, as the club has decided that their policy of ignoring calls for a statement is the way forward.

However, it could be possible that owner Abdallah Lemsagam has other things on his mind as Wednesday was his birthday. It could well be that Abdallah has had his hands full blowing up balloons and organising party games. It’s too easy to forget something like a wage bill when you’re worrying about whether the Star Wars Birthday cake will arrive in time.

Either that or Oldham Athletic have been bought by a rich Arab with a cash flow problem. You couldn’t make it up.


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